Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 1964

June 2nd- Little Sammy,Bobby Wilde, the Planets and Johnny Gray
June 5th- Little Sammy, Bobby Wilde, The Planets, Johnny Gray, Sandy and Mandy, Barry Stacey, Steve Kipner, Brian Bastow, Sherry Wheeler, Brenda, Denis Ryan, Geoff Atkinson and The Embers.
June 6th- Little Sammy, Bobby Wilde, The Planets, Johnny Gray, Sandy and Mandy, Barry Stacey, Steve Kipner, Brian Bastow, Sherry Wheeler, Brenda, Denis Ryan, Geoff Atkinson, The Embers and Jim Sweeney
June 9th(TV Audition Spectacular)= Ross D Wylie, Barry Stacey, Brian Bastow, Johnny Gray, Brenda, Bobby Wilde, Diane Winters, Paul Windsor and the Planets
June 12th- Colin Cooper, Steve Stevenson, The Planets, The Embers, Sherry Wheeler, Bobby Wilde, Sandy and Mandy, Natalie Brooks, Geoff Atkinson and Paul Windsor
June 13th- Colin Cooper, Steve Stevenson, Paul Windsor, The Planets, Natalie Brooks, Steve Kipner, Denis Ryan and Jim Sweeney
June 16th- Warren Williams, Paul Windsor, Little Sammy and the Planets
June 19th- Jerry J Wilder, Warren Williams, Little Sammy, Geoff Atkinson, Paul Windsor, Jim Sweeney, The Planets, The Embers, the Tropics, Mel Ainsworth, Johnny Gray, Denis Ryan and Sandy Ainsworth
June 20th- Jerry J Wilder, Little Sammy, Paul Windsor, The Planets, The D Men, The Stilletos, Barry Stacey, Diane Winters, Johnny Pal and Jim Sweeney
June 23rd- Paul Windsor, Bobby Wilde and The Planets
June 26th- Paul Windsor, Johnny Grey, Denis Ryan, The Planets, Johnny and the Outlaws, Mel and the Embers, The Invisble Decibles, Mel Ainsworth, Geoff Atkinson and Jenny Emmerson
June 27th(Teen Beat Spectacular Live At Teen City )- Paul Windsor, Ross D Wylie, Brian Bastow, The Planets, The Stilletos, Invisble Decibles and Natalie Brooks
June 30th- Jay Justin, Paul Windsor and The Planets

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